Total Clicks

6%Since last month


Logged In

2%Since last month


Captured Some Data

No data from last month


Completed Payment

100%Since last month

Overview of All Time

R2 466,18

Total Commissions Earned


Total Services Sold

Clicks during this Year

Paid Clients - Awaiting Invoicing
Date Client Name Paid Amount
Commissions Due
Date Client Name Paid Amount Commission
24/08/2024 Edries Marks R481,57 R96,99
08/09/2024 John Adams R456,37 R92,01
19/08/2024 Jane Sukazi R519,26 R109,31
21/08/2024 Daphne Somerset R462,32 R98,27
20/08/2024 Nizaam Goyton R222,05 R46,77
19/08/2024 Edries Marks R582,55 R123,16
25/08/2024 Mark Anderson R285,13 R62,34
22/08/2024 Mark Anderson R215,49 R45,68
06/09/2024 Zola Dlamini R513,32 R103,05
12/08/2024 Mark Anderson R462,72 R94,83
22/08/2024 Nizaam Goyton R101,81 R21,88
14/08/2024 John Adams R519,46 R107,59
Commissions Paid (Last 5)
Date Commission
08/09/2024 R1 007,16
09/08/2024 R280,08
10/07/2024 R689,50
10/06/2024 R489,44
Popular Services over the last 30 days
Service Clicks Login Data
img Beneficial Ownership
44 0 0
img Co-operative Registration
3 0 0
img Company Registration
2 1 0
img Non Profit Company Registration
2 0 0
img Share Certificates
1 0 0
img Shareholders` Agreement
1 1 0
img Incorporation Registration
1 2 0
Popular Services over all time
Service Clicks Login Data
img Beneficial Ownership
102 0 0
img Company Registration
66 15 3
img PSIRA Assistance
26 0 0
img Shareholders` Agreement
20 1 0
img Company Profile
11 0 0
img Director and Shareholder Changes
11 0 0
img Close Corporation Changes
10 0 4
img Incorporation Registration
9 2 0
img Co-operative Registration
9 0 0
img Non Profit Company Registration
9 4 1
img BEE Affidavit
8 2 2
img Annual Returns
7 3 2
img Name Application - Stand Alone
7 3 0
img Share Certificates
7 3 0
img Business Plan
6 0 0
img Tax Clearance Certificate
5 12 2
img Public Officer Appointment
4 0 0
img Company Restoration
4 3 1
img Company Name Change
3 2 0
img COID Registration
3 0 0
img Financial Year End Change
2 8 2
img Company Address Change
1 0 0
img SDL Registration
1 0 0
img Trademark Registration
1 0 0
img Adoption of a new MOI
0 4 0